Rebecca Braslau

 “Each year, I receive emails, cards and letters from students telling me that they expected to hate the class, but instead learned to love organic chemistry”

Rebecca Braslau is a Professor in the Chemistry Department. She teaches the first quarter of Organic Chemistry, and received the Excellence in Teaching Award after the 2013-2014 academic year.

Interview Questions
0:32 How do you keep students engaged?
1:41 How do you implement collaborative learning in your classes?
2:55 How do you use technology in the classroom?
3:46 What does your research focus on?
4:38 How does your research affect your teaching?
5:23 What is the Thai Research Experience for Undergraduates Program?
6:04 How has your teaching style changed over time?
6:41 What do you find the most satisfying about teaching?

Teaching Statement
Rebecca Braslau Teaching Statement

Contact Rebecca Braslau
Phone: 831-459-3087
Office: Physical Sciences 342